Borough Council Meeting 5-14-2020

Below is the audio recording from the Borough Council meeting held last night (5/14/2020) via Zoom. Apologies in advance if children and/or dogs are heard in the background.

Please take note that last night showed a larger number of residents attending than usual. Thank you for that. I know that a lot of you were there to try and get Mayor and Council to do the right thing with regards to Ordinance #2020-2, and I know that there is a lot of disappointment that they pushed it through anyway, in spite of contention from *every* member of the public that spoke, and in spite of the fact that their vote was technically illegal. It is a sorry state of affairs indeed when once Council member doesn’t even understand what he’s voting on (again, Mr. Fuentes?), and when the Borough Solicitor tells the public that the Borough’s compliance with state law is “a matter of opinion”. Makes you wonder where the Borough is getting these people…