Why Woodlynne Doesn’t Want Ordinance #2020-2

Update (taken from the Public Notice published in the Courier-Post on 5/12):

Members of the public may participate in the Zoom electronic meeting by telephone and dialing 1-929-205-6099 to enter the meeting that has been assigned the following Meeting ID Number: 819 5711 2371 and Password 047700.


On April 9th, 2020, in a meeting that violated the Open Public Meetings Act by failing to provide the minimum required notice to the public, the Woodlynne Borough Council approved the introduction of Ordinance #2020-2. This ordinance will permanently remove the front two parking spots on the 1900 block of Woodlynne Ave. This is to address safety concerns at that intersection, and is one of the proposed solutions that the Borough Engineer presented during a Council work session (November 2019). That said, if you’ll listen to the engineer’s own words, he recommended placing a three-way stop at the intersection:

Please take note of the fact that he explicitly stated that removing the parking will not solve the problem. Mayor Chukwueke made it known earlier this year that he had decided to go with this plan rather than the recommended one, and when asked about it, this was the result:

The next meeting will be held on May 14th, 2020 at 7:30PM. At this meeting, Council will be voting to approve this ordinance, which will remove parking spots in an area of town where more are needed, damage the property values of the people that live there, and won’t even solve the problem that it’s supposed to address. We are asking all concerned citizens to dial into the next meeting so that you can speak out against the removal of these spots and in favor of the three-way stop that the engineer recommended. We are also encouraging everyone to send an email to the Mayor directly (woodlynnemayor@comcast.net) and voice your concerns to him.

Edited to reflect that the plan that the Borough is going with does not affect parking on the southern side of Woodlynne Ave. The only option that removes the illegal parking spot that already exists is the 3-way stop option.

1 Comment

  1. Please do not remove the parking spots put a stop sign instead we own like 3 or 4 cars and we need tye patking spots because we can barely find a parking put a stop sign instead

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